From the Dorset House Team

The Community Garden is full of produce and the sunflowers at the front are nodding happy, yellow faces to everyone who passes by. It was a busy end to the 2024 year at Dorset House, with a lot support offered, including hampers to provide for community members in need over the Christmas and New Year period, as well as programs and events. Some projects finished up at the end of the year, such as the Dorset Kids Connect and Dorset Remote Area Support programs run by Fiona from the Gladstone Outreach. We are glad to have temporary funding to continue food delivery to the area in the short term.

A highlight in December was a visit from the Governor of Tasmania who spent time at Dorset Community House to connect with community members who had been impacted by the severe weather events earlier in the year. Her Excellency also encouraged local organisations and staff who had supported people through the events. The Governor talked with community members, SES volunteers, Dorset House staff, and representatives from Dorset Council. Her Excellency warmly affirmed the community’s support for each other during a difficult time. Dorset House was honoured to partner with Dorset Council to host her Excellency's visit.

Dorset House staff and volunteers have started the new year full of energy and enthusiasm to serve our community once again. The fridge is full of produce from our Community Garden and the gardens of the generous community members who drop by to share what they have with others. We are once again delivering weekly supplies and support out to more remote parts of Dorset through the Gladstone Outreach. Youth and children’s programs are about to start, and the House is busy with people stopping by to contribute and coming in for food, appointments and regular weekly programs.

Potatoes - $2 per 1 KG bag 
Onions - $2 per Bag
Swedes - $2 per Bag
Carrots - $2 per bag
Beetroot - $2 per Bag
Other Assorted produce is priced as harvested.  

March 14th - Gladstone

April 11th - Hub, Ringarooma

May 9th - Annabelle’s Scottsdale

Jun 13th - Goodride Cafe

Jul 11th - Lord’s Hotel (Scottsdale)

Aug 15th - Bridport

Sept 12th - George Town - Senior’s Menu

Oct 10th - Northbourne Seniors Week

Nov 14th - Northbourne Christmas

Meal Prices Vary

Call Pat Young to book: 0457 162 887


10am – 11am on Thursdays in School Terms. 

Contact 0481 995 113 

We are proud partners of the Dorset Heart Walking groups.
Groups in Scottsdale inlcude:
  • Scottsdale Strutters - Tuesday 9.30am, Hedley Street Carpark  (Peter - 0419 119 608)
  • Awesome Dorset Walkers - Thursday 9.30am, House Paddock Cafe (Mae - 0407 533 618)
For more information see the Heart Walker Website or ring us on 63522765. 


Play, craft, activities, games, and stories!

Wednesdays in school terms. Ages 0-5.

10.30 am - 12 noon

Anglicare Financial Counselling

Providing counseling and information for debt, consumer rights and responsibilities, superannuation, bankruptcy, referral to legal aid, money management and budgeting.
Availability: At the House on the second Thursday of every month. Call 1800 243 232.

Dorset Wellbeing Network

A network of support providers located in and around Dorset, contact

Availability: Quarterly


Women's Legal Service

Providing legal services and advice for women and female identified people 

Call their advice line on 1800 682 468

Availability: Weekly 9am - 1pm on Tuesdays


Yemaya Women's Support

Face-to-face and/or phone service for ALL women inclusive of religion, identity, ability, sexuality, social background or culture.
Yemaya Women's Support Service is not a crisis service.

Availability: Currently not visiting the House. Will resume soon. Call (03) 6334 0305

This newsletter is produced with the assistance of
Bridget Archer MP, Federal
Member for Bass. 
Copyright 2024, Dorset Community House, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
3 Cameron Street, Scottsdale, Tasmania 7260

Phone: 0474 100 219
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3 Cameron Street, Scottsdale Tas 7260
