From the Dorset House Team

Wonderful things are possible when people work together, and Dorset House has had a great season of working with community members and other organisations to deliver some exciting events to the community. May was a busy month for us. We started the month with a Playgroup Party to celebrate Neighbourhood House week and had over 50 people attend (including both children and carers). We were very excited to partner with Ruth Stockton, our local Family Engagement Worker and with Building Blocks for this great activity. During May, we also celebrated Simultaneous Storytime when our playgroup enjoyed the wonderful children’s book ‘Bowerbird Blues’, selected to be read around the state.


For Volunteer Week and Law Week, we partnered with the Launceston Community Legal Centre to provide an information session in Scottsdale about legal options in a variety of situations. This complemented the Estate Planning Sessions in Gladstone on the 8th of May through a partnership between Dorset House and Tasmanian Legal Aid. In these sessions, Legal Aid discussed power of attorney, enduring guardianship, advance care directives, wills, elder abuse and safety planning. Dorset House finished up the month of May by partnering with Women’s Health Tasmania to host a workshop supporting women to understand and care for their health at every age. 

Potatoes - $2 per 1 KG bag 
Onions - $2 per Bag
Swedes - $2 per Bag
Carrots - $2 per bag
Beetroot - $2 per Bag
Other Assorted produce is priced as harvested.  
Eating With Friends

Jul 12 - RSL Club (Scottsdale) - $25

Aug 9 - Bridport Bunker - $30

Sept 13th - George Town - Senior’s Menu

Oct 18th - Nugget Seller’s - Senior’s Week

Nov 8 - Lietenna Hall - $30


To book a spot, call Pat 0457 162 887

We are proud partners of the Dorset Heart Walking groups.
Groups in Scottsdale inlcude:
  • Scottsdale Strutters - Tuesday 9.30am, Hedley Street Carpark  (Peter - 0419 119 608)
  • Awesome Dorset Walkers - Thursday 9.30am, Art Gallery Cafe (Mae - 0407 533 618)
For more information see the Heart Walker Website or ring us on 63522765. 
Polliwog Playgroup

Play, craft, activities, games, and stories!


Wednesdays in school terms. Ages 0-5.


10.30 am - 12 noon

Line Dancing at Ledgerwood Hall


10am – 11am on Thursdays in School Terms, with instructors alternating weekly.

(Starting 7th March) $8 


Contact Jo Kerr on 0428 328 510 

Anglicare Financial Counselling

Providing counselling and information for debt, consumer rights and responsibilities, superannuation, bankruptcy, referral to legal aid, money management and budgeting.
Availability: At the House on the second Thursday of every month. Call 1800 243 232.

Dorset Wellbeing Network

A network of support providers located in and around Dorset, contact

Availability: Quarterly

Housing Connect

Providing support with rental assistance. Including; applying for social housing and other housing assistance; support and advice with private rentals such as bond and rent arrears; support and advice on how to stay in your home; information and advice on housing options.

Availability: At the House every third Monday. Call 1800 800 588.

Yemaya Women's Support

Face-to-face and/or phone service for ALL women inclusive of religion, identity, ability, sexuality, social background or culture.
Yemaya Women's Support Service is not a crisis service.

Availability: At the House every second Thursday. Call (03) 6334 0305

This newsletter is produced with the assistance of
Bridget Archer MP, Federal
Member for Bass. 
Copyright 2024, Dorset Community House, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
3 Cameron Street, Scottsdale, Tasmania 7260

Phone: 0474 100 219
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3 Cameron Street, Scottsdale Tas 7260
